Episode 6 - Social Change through Early Education with Leslee Udwin

In this episode we speak about social change, gender equity and the role of empathy in early education to counter the globalisation of indifference. Leslee Udwin is the Founder and Executive Chair of Think Equal, a global not-for-profit that works with hundreds of schools across 5 continents, providing programmes and books that focus on social emotional learning for 3-6 year olds.

A former filmmaker, Leslee is now a Human Rights Activist and has been awarded the Anna Lindh Human Rights Award in the Swedish Parliament (formerly won by Madeleine Albright); the UN Women for Peace Activist Award; Global Hero by Safe Magazine and Global Thinker Award by Foreign Policy. Leslee was also voted by the NY Times the Second Most Impactful woman of 2016, after Hillary Clinton.

As a BAFTA and multi-award winning Film Producer and Director, the filming of “India’s Daughter” sparked an awaking in Leslee and led to the creation of Think Equal as part of the global movement to end violence against women and discrimination in all its forms. Please note that this episode includes descriptions of sexual violence, the challenge that Leslee's work seeks to overcome.

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Episode 7 - Mental Health with Pat McGorry


Episode 5 - Enabling System Change with Michael Fullan