AISSA Governance Panel
Undertook the role of moderator for the Association of Independent Schools of South Australia’s governance panel during November 2021.
NT Leadership Summit
Performed the master of ceremonies role for the Norther Territory Department for Education’s Leadership Summit, a two day event during October 2021.
Provided a Keynote Address and panel participation to the Annual Teacher Conference of TAFE New South Wales, the states primary vocational education provider, during September 2021.
Woodville High School SSOs (SA)
Performed as guest speaker and workshop collaborator alongside student support officers at Woodville High School (South Australia) during September 2021.
Tabor College Australia
Louka undertook the opportunity to share his experience educating indigenous Australian students to educators at Tabor College, as a guest speaker.
Apex Australia
Delivered the Keynote address and partook in the Q & A session during the live-streamed Apex Australia 2021 National Convention in October with proceeds to charity.
EduTECH 2021
Virtually addressed guests and delivered the curriculum development panel alongside others at EduTECH’s School Leadership Congress Strategy Session day two during August 2021.
WAPPA Conference
Designed a session and performed master of ceremony for the Western Australian Primary Principals’ Association’s Conference of ~300 guests and members during August 2021.
Bastow Leadership Conference
Provided MC and speaker services for Bastow’s Leadership Conference during April 2021, guaranteeing a backbone for the 5 days of sessions forming Victoria, Australia’s state government teaching and leadership event for state principals.
ISQ State Forum 2021
Delivered the Keynote Address and Q & A session during June 2021 for Independent Schools Queensland’s (ISQ) annual ‘Celebrating Change’ conference, this year titled: “Celebrate Schooling”.
Pulteney Grammar School
Designed and provided student-centred sessions to 90 year 12s focussed on positive conversations and tutor connections with lower year groups on behalf of Pulteney Grammar School, South Australia in June 2021.
SACPPA Conference
Provided MC services, workshop design, and facilitation for the South Australian Catholic Primary Principals Association conference in June 2021.
ICSET - Taiwan Education Conference
Provided a virtual Keynote Address to the 5th International Conference on E-Society, E-Education and E-technology, based out of Taipei, Taiwan, in August 2021.
Department for Education SA
Provided session co-design with the External Relations Team, publishing visual presentation, and virtual facilitation for the Department for Education South Australia session “VET in Schools Governing Council Forum.”
Gilford Grammar School
Delivered two virtual keynote addresses to the Gilford Grammar School Virtual Summit in March 2021.
Ontario Principals’ Council
Provided the introduction component of the Ontario Principals’ Council workshop focussed on social emotional learning, We also co-delivered sessions alongside Dr. Jennifer Adams in October 2021 which explored practical action to best elevate the social and emotional dimensions of learning within local learning ecosystems and strategies to engage teachers, students, parents, and the broader community.
Future Forum
Louka Parry spoke at the Future Forum, Adelaide, in March 2021 alongside other thought leaders and expert innovators.
Korowa College
Designed and facilitatated a workshop at the Korowa Anglican Girls School, Victoria, for 140 staff in January 2021 as part of professional development week.