Season 2: Episode 13 - Emerging Technologies, Equity and Identity with Ariam Mogos

How do we ensure that we can all be creators with emerging technologies?

Ariam Mogos is a futurist fellow in the Stanford K12 Lab, where she designs prototypes with K-12 educators around how to engage, evaluate, and create with emerging technologies, crucially grounded in ethics and digital agency. She is currently working on a set of play-based analog resources focused on machine learning, blockchain, the IOT and other technologies. A constructivist educator passionate about computing, Ariam has worked at the intersection of education, technology, equity and play in the United States, Asia, Africa and Europe.

She holds a B.S from Cornell University Industrial and Labor Relations and an MA from Columbia University in Human Rights and Global Development

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Season 2: Episode 14 - Transforming Education Through Human Capacities with Michael Anderson


Season 2: Episode 12 - Diet, health and wellbeing with Dr James Muecke AM