Season 2: Episode 18 - with Nicholas Carlisle

In a world where childhood has migrated online, what must we know and teach our students and children to keep them safe and help them be successful in this digital world?

In today's episode, Louka speaks with Nicholas Carlisle; a changemaker, lawyer and champion for social justice and children's well-being. He is CEO of the Power of Zero, a global campaign to reshape early learning for an increasingly connected world, by teaching young children the skills and values that they need. The campaign brings together leaders in technology with experts in children and NGOs around the world.

Nicholas graduated in philosophy and ancient history from Oxford University, worked as a barrister in Lincoln’s Inn and served as chairman of the Amnesty International UK. He has practiced as a child and family psychotherapist, and founded and led No Bully, a US based non-profit with the mission to eradicate bullying and cyberbullying worldwide. He has been recognised by Toms as a Game Changer, Ashoka as a Champion of Children’s Wellbeing and by Hearts on Fire as a visionary.

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Season 2: Episode 19 - Building a Diversity Atlas with Peter Mousaferiadis


Season 2: Episode 17 - The Nature of Design with Ewan McEoin